Erewash Voluntary Action Small Grants Scheme
Small grants are
available through the Erewash Small Grants Scheme for local Erewash community
and voluntary groups. Groups can apply
for up to £1,500 as long as projects meet at least one of the health priorities
of the scheme.
The aim of the grant is to
help improve services and opportunities for local people. Funding can help
support things like equipment, events, activities and guest speakers.
The Erewash Small Grants
Scheme is funded by Derbyshire Council Adult Care Services, Erewash Borough
Council and Derbyshire County Council Public Health.
Applicants must meet as
a minimum one of the grant scheme health priorities which includes the Erewash
Public Health locality priorities – reduce alcohol and drug related harm,
increase uptake of healthy lifestyles, raise aspirations of young people and
the community, improve emotional health and wellbeing and older people and
It is advised to read
the application guidance and contact the Development Worker for help or further
Applications can be made at any time using the grant application
For further details
contact Catriona Paterson Development Worker at Erewash Voluntary Action or telephone 0115 9466740.
Erewash Voluntary Action
manages the small grants scheme in partnership with Erewash Borough Council, Derbyshire
County Council Adult Care and Derbyshire County Council Public Health.
Erewash Borough Council – Community Grant
Erewash Borough Council's Community
Grant Scheme gives both large and small voluntary organisations the chance to
apply for funding of up to £2,000 for projects and services that benefit
Erewash residents. The Council has continued its support for voluntary
organisations and has again made funding available to help as many groups as
The Community Grants programme
offers the chance for organisations and groups to apply for a grant of up to
£2,000, subject to eligibility, for innovative projects that help and support
residents in the borough and the council is particularly keen to hear about new
or ground-breaking projects that could be helped by the money.
The next deadline for applications is Friday 20
December 2019 at 5.30 pm
For further information
contact Colin Handley Community Engagement Officer Telephone 0115 9072244 ext.
3575 or email
Erewash Borough Council – Members Scheme
For the 2019-2020 financial
year each Erewash councillor has £500.00 to award to organisations within
their ward. It is for each
councillor to determine which project(s) or organisation(s) they
wish to support. The scheme allows a wide degree of flexibility in the type of
project a councillor may support and the amount (minimum £50) they
wish to allocate, subject to approval.
Foundation Derbyshire
Foundation Derbyshire offers a wide range of funding programmes with most
grants up to £2,000. Grants are
available for voluntary and community groups, not for profit organisations and
charities usually for a 12 month period.
Fund offers small grants of a minimum £50 up to £5,000. The award period is one
year and groups are welcome to reapply to the fund after that time.
are made on-line
Derbyshire County Council – Action Grants
County Council have launched a new grant scheme called Action Grants for
groups, clubs, local authorities, local charities and other non-profit
organisations working in communities.
There are grants themes and these include:
Activity and Sport
Action Grants programme will run for a period of two years from May 2018 until
the end of May 2020.
are three levels of funding across the four themes:
Grants up to £500
Grants up to £5,000
Grants up to £10,000
is an application form which needs to be completed. Applications for small grants will be sorted
quarterly, medium and large grants can be applied for annually.
further information:
The next date for small applications is 31 January
National Lottery Community Fund New £7.5 Million Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund has announced that it
will be making a special £7.5 million pot of funding available to mark the National
Lottery’s 25th birthday. The
fund will help communities celebrate the extraordinary impact the National
Lottery has had since it started.
The funding will support activity designed to bring
people and communities together all over the UK. Up to £2 million will be made available this
year in small grants up to £1,000.
deadline for applications is Friday 6 December at 2.00 pm
Further information:
Sport England Small Grants Fund
The fund will provide grants between £300 and £10,000 for
up to 3 years. Sport England will now
support projects that help everyone take part in physical activity whether this
is formal sport or informal activity.
Another change is that funds can now support children from the age of
The fund’s priorities are now:
Getting inactive people
to become more active
Develop lasing sporting
more positive attitudes among young people
Any new applicant will need to register first before
New Fund for Tackling Loneliness
A new £2 million funding
fund has been launched to help organisations at the frontline of tackling
loneliness across the country. The
funding aims to support frontline, grassroots organisations that bring people together
and help them build social connections.
Further details on the
funding application process, including eligibility and when it will open, will
follow in due course.
Further information:
Power to Change
Open Grant Schemes
The following
grant schemes are available to organisations England wide and are open now.
1. More than a
Pub – offers business development support, advice, and Loan and Grant funding
to community groups in England to help them established a community-owned
2. Community
Shares Booster programme – helping communities to invest in businesses that
service a community purpose. Funding is provided to community businesses run by
local people for local people and can be used to save local shops and pubs,
transform community facilities, support local food growing, fund new sports
clubs, restore heritage buildings etc.
3. Community Business Crowd match – up to
£6000 to help start or grow community businesses. Power to Change will match
fund up to 50% if your target (max £6,000) as long as you raise the rest
through crowdfunding.
Funding for Quality Disability Sport Equipment
Sport England has
combined with Toyota to launch the Toyota Parasport Fund. The programme aims to
help activity providers improve the quality and quantity of sport and
activities available to disabled people.
Awards of
between £1,000 and £5,000 to help ensure that when disabled people are
active, they have access to quality equipment to help give them the best
possible experience. Any voluntary sector group or schools can apply.
closing date for applications is 20 December 2019
GEM Road Safety
GEM road safety charity is inviting
applications for grants of up to £10,000 for road safety projects. Since it was established in 1985 the charity
has funded many projects which have aimed to reduce the number of people killed
or seriously injured on the UK roads.
The charity is keen to encourage
applications from community groups, registered charities, professional bodies,
road safety organisations, partnerships and schools and colleges whose projects
demonstrate a clear road safety benefit to the wider community at a regional or
national level.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 31
December 2019
Elephant Trust
The Elephant Trust offers grants to artists
in the visual arts, small organisations and galleries throughout the UK.
Trust was set up in 1975 to make it possible for artists and those presenting
their work to undertake and complete projects when frustrated by lack of funds.
It is committed to helping artists and art institutions/galleries that depart
from the routine and signal new, distinct and imaginative sets of
Trustees’ main objective is to support new work.
The next deadline for applications
is 26 January 2020
Sun Launches New £1 Million Fund
The Sun
has announced that it is to give away £1m to small local registered charities
over the next year through the £1m Sun Readers Fund. The fund has been launched to celebrate the
paper’s 50th birthday.
can be nominated to receive a donation of anything between £2,000 and
£20,000. Donations will be made to
charities in the following categories:
and young people
and wellbeing
and the environment
heroes and international aid
Nominations are open now and until
18 December 2019, nominees can use up to 400 words to tell the Sun why they
deserve a donation.
Daughters Charitable Trust
are available for projects, organisations and ideas that can make a systematic
impact to improve ageing in the UK.
There is a budget of £250,000 for this round and grants will range from
small grants up to large grants of £200,000.
Grants will be awarded based on need.
The Four
Daughters Charitable Trust is a family foundation and is interested in issues
around ageing in the UK and is looking to fund organisations and/or projects
that aim to improve the way in which communities, government, institutions and
employers respond to ageing.
from organisations of all types will be considered including charities, social enterprises
and community groups.
Trust is focusing on three areas:
older people to stay in or fund meaningful work or volunteering
communities that are inclusive of older people
informal carers to develop their own peer based approaches
The deadline for applications is 13
December 2019
Grant Funding 2020-2021
is available for the UK’s voluntary and community sector to provide advice and
support to HMRC customers who need extra help understanding and complying with
their obligations and claiming their entitlements. Advice and support to HMRC customers
including those that are digitally excluded.
is for bids that include one or more of the following:
and support
support and referrals
The deadline for applications is 11
December 2019
Forces Day Grant
The Ministry
of Defence provides funding each year to help organisations and individuals in
the UK host an Armed Forces Day event to show support for the UK’s servicemen
and women, past and present. Events to take
place within two week of the Armed Forces Day event.
maximum grant of £10,000 is available per application providing that the MoD
funding accounts for no more than 50% of the total costs.
councils, voluntary and community organisations, schools, ex-service organisations
and individuals are eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications for
event funding is 27 March 2020
Invites Charity Nominations for December Draw
Insurance’s annual 12 Days of Giving company will give £1,000 to 120 charities
across the UK is open for nominations.
The draw is open to any UK registered charity.
can nominate their favourite charity to be entered into the draw which will
take place each weekday from 5 – 20 December 2019.
Foundation – Day Trip Grant
Foundation offers grants to SEND schools and units, children’s hospices and
not-for profit organisations based in the UK.
The funding is to enable groups of children and young people aged 5-25
who have disabilities and life limiting conditions to go on recreational and
educational trips.
will fund costs of up to £30 per child for groups of at least eight. Day trips can be for any destination but must
take place in the UK.
are being taken for day trips taking place between 1 November 2019 and 31
October 2020. Applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks
before the date of the trip.
Fairbairn Foundation
foundation offers funds across five main sectors to unlock and enable
potential, back the unorthodox and unfashionable, build collective networks and
catalyse system change.
sectors they support include:
and young people
are available to support organisations core or project costs including staff
salaries and overheads.
grants of £60,000 or less are available for one off projects or testing new
ideas and collaboration.
There is
a two stage application process.
There are no deadlines apply at any
applying organisations should take the Esmee Quiz:
The maintenance,
education and advancement
in life of children and young people who through poverty
and family circumstances are in need of, and will benefit significantly from,
Buttle UK’s support.
Grant aid available look at the web site for all the details
and eligibility:
The Ulverscroft Foundation supports projects which will
have a positive impact on the quality of life of visually impaired people –
blind and partially sighted.
Applicants need to apply using the application form and
are encouraged to check the eligibility.
The next deadline for applications is 15 December 2019
Day Grant Scheme 2020
Windrush Day Grant scheme is provided by the Ministry of Housing and grants are
available for local authorities, charities and community groups to celebrate,
commemorate and/or educate about the history of the MV Empire Windrush and the
contribution of the Windrush Generation to British economic, social and
cultural life.
June 22
marks National Windrush Day each year and should be the focal point for
projects. Events and activities may take
place over a longer period throughout the year up until 31 December 2020.
The deadline for applications is 8
December 2019
ESF Community Grants to Support Unemployed
The ESA Community Grants funding programme gives
small, voluntary and community organisations with a turnover of less than
£500,000 an opportunity to access funds to deliver projects that help engage
and progress hard to reach individuals towards the labour market.
Priority will be given to applications that
demonstrate an ability to meet the LEP priorities and target participants who
are over 50, with learning difficulties and disabilities, from ethnic minority
backgrounds, women, and unemployed for over6 months and furthest from the
labour market.
Round 2 opens on 15 November and closes on 15 December 2019
For further information:
Cycling Places to Ride Programme
are available to not for profit organisations in England that are developing
cycling activity in their community.
The key
objectives of the programme are to:
people to ride
the community
a lasting legacy
are two levels of funding:
grants of between £1,000 and £50,000 are available.
grants of up to £500,000
funder is looking for organisations that really understand cycling and
applications will be accepted from not-for profit organisations located in
England. Match funding is required
between 25 – 50%
Applications can be submitted
anytime until 15 January 2021. Decisions
will be made every 12 weeks.
Community Action Fund England
are available to not for profit organisations for amenity projects eligible
under Object D of the landfill Communities Fund and locate within 10 miles of
an eligible FCC environment waste facility.
of between £2,000 and £100,000 are available for projects with a maximum total
cost of £500,000 All grant recipients
are required to secure a third party payment.
funding was previously known as WREN.
The deadline for applications is 11
December 2019
Pocket Parks
Community-led organisations in partnership with local authorities are invited to apply for funding to create new pocket parks
and refurbish existing parks.
£1.35 million
is available to create new pocket parks
or renovate existing parks that have fallen into disrepair where it can
be shown that physical changes could have a significant positive impact on the
local community and address a specific local need.
Grants will be paid to
the appropriate principal local authority that is supporting the application so
that it can be released to the community in order to deliver the project.
Pocket parks are defined for the purpose of this programme as a piece of land
of up to 0.4 hectares.
The deadline for applications is 31
December 2019.
Further information:
People’s Health Trust
The People’s Health Trust is opening their funding
again in the East Midlands for a short period of time.
Active Communities is a
funding programme for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, with
an income of less than £350,000 a year or an average of £350,000 over two
Active Communities is for
projects seeking investment of between £5,000 and £50,000 for projects lasting
up to two years. Small and local projects genuinely designed and run by
local people.
Health Lottery East Midlands will open in
November 2019 and will include Erewash.
Warburtons Community
Warburtons grants will
support charities and organisations across a number of themes including:
· Health – help families lead
healthier lifestyles
· Financial stability – help families
manage their finances
· Worklessness – help families
recognise the benefits of employment
Community grants of up
to £250 are available as well as project grants for projects within 15 miles of
a bakery or depot up to£10,000
latest round for applications opened on 13 November and closes on 10 February
Alec Dickson
Grants to support volunteering
projects in the UK that are run by young people under 30 years and address need
in the local community with particular interest in projects promoting and
encouraging volunteering among young people.
Grants of up to £500 are available.
The next application deadline is 8 December 2019
Cold Weather Fund
MHCLG are providing up to £1million of the Cold Weather
Fund to Homeless link to administer funding to charitable organisations that
are not commissioned by local authorities. The project’s overall aim is to
financially support local providers in helping people sleeping rough off the
streets this winter.
Frontline organisations can be funded who are working to
help end rough sleeping, who can demonstrate how grant funding will reduce
rough sleeping and offer longer-term solutions from people sleeping rough
accessing these shelters, by supporting moves into accommodation, and
sustainable longer-term accommodation for those moving off the streets. Applicants
must be registered charities/CICs.
Organisations can apply for up to £25,000
The closing date for applications is Friday 6 December 2019
Further information:
Race and Religion Hate
Crime Innovation Fund
Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner
Hardyal Dhindsa, who is national Hate Crime lead on behalf of the Association
of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), has announced the launch of a new
fund which will deliver grants of up to £2,500 per organisation for innovative
proposals which support his goals to eradicate hate crime in the county.
The Race and Religion Hate Crime
Innovation Fund is being administered by the Multi-Faith Centre at the
University of Derby on behalf of the PCC and is part of an ambitious plan to
pilot new approaches to hate crime and expand research on racist and religious
hate crime in the county.
Projects must address the PCC’s top
priorities including raising awareness of hate crime, informing and encouraging
reporting of hate crime, increasing support for victims and promoting the Hate
Crime Victim Support Services which have been commissioned by the Commissioner.
The fund is only open to voluntary
and community groups and local non-profit making organisations. Projects
can be for one-off events or ongoing activities completed within a three-month
time period before the end of April 2020.
While proposals must focus on race
and religion, applications that span all strands of hate crime are welcomed.
The Fund also comes with an optional opportunity to receive monitoring and
evaluation support from Dr Phil Henry at the University of Derby.
The closing date for applications is Monday 9
December 2019
Further information:
The National Garden Scheme Community Gardens Award
National Garden Scheme
Community Gardens Award provides funding to amateur gardeners from community
groups in England and Wales to create a garden or similar project (such as an
allotment) with horticultural focus for the benefit of their local community.
These projects should aim
to bring a community together by being a space people can share, by the
acquisition and sharing of gardening knowledge and skills and by inspiring a
love of gardening.
All applications are considered on their individual merits by a
panel made up of the supervisor, a trustee and a vice-president. No fixed
amount is set but awards do not usually exceed £5,000.
Applications for funding are
considered in February each year and the closing date for applications is 31
December of the preceding year.
Funding News
Awards for All Application Form Has Changed
Awards for All have changed the way they want you to tell
them about your project. They are now asking more questions allowing you more
opportunity to clearly detail your project.
The questions include:
· What would you like to do?
· How your project will meet
at least one of their funding priorities
· How does your project
involve the community
More information from:
New Severn Trent Community Fund
Severn Trent Community Fund is a programme that aims to
support community wellbeing as well as protect and sustain water and natural
resources, within the Severn Trent area. The programme will distribute grants
of £2,000 - £250,000 for local initiatives that meet the following aims:
• People - Projects that facilitate
healthier lifestyles and skills development
• Place -
Projects that help create better places to live in and use
• Environment - Projects
that facilitate a healthier natural environment, greater access to that
environment or support the preservation of water
Since Severn Trent are a water company, they also
encourage projects to have a connection to the water cycle in some way. This
might mean creating sustainable drainage, installing grey water recycling,
creating more water efficient green places (parks, allotments) or encouraging
hydration for health.
Applications will be open from early January 2020
via their website and full criteria and guidance will be available soon.
You can apply for a grant if your organisation is not
‘for profit’ and you have a governing document – the full criteria will be
available soon the basics are:
• Funding for new projects and their associated costs that
meet the aims of the fund unfortunately retrospective funding or general
running costs are not eligible.
• Projects need to
be sustainable with a long term impact.
There are 3 sizes
of grant that can be applied for:
· £2,000- £10,000
· £10,001 – £75,000
· £75,001 - £250,000
Organisations applying for more than £10,000 must be a registered
and supply a charity/company number.

support to help you start, develop and grow your business
Enterprise and Investment News
Interested in growing, developing and/
or sustaining your organisation?
A good place to learn about social investment is the Good
Finance website resource that will help you to navigate the world of social
investment. Here you can find out what
social investment is, the types of social investment and who the social
investors are. It has a good, quick
diagnostic tool that will help you to identify if social investment is for you
and some great resources on measuring social impact.
The Key Fund’s online enterprise toolbox has lots of
business support tools and resources as well as their latest news on social enterprise
and social investment:
Case studies
Why re-invent the wheel? There are hundreds of great
examples of charities and social enterprises that have used social investment
to develop and grow their organisation. You can get some ideas for your
business plans by looking at what other organisations have done. For example,
see here:
FREE peer support
If you want to better understand the opportunities and
risks of social enterprise and investment then you can access a FREE one-to-one
mentor. See here for more information:
Social enterprise news
If you haven’t already subscribed to the Pioneers Post
news – it has the latest and best news about the world of social enterprise and
it is so well presented too.
Support to help charities and social enterprises to
develop and grow enterprise models and access social investment
The Reach Fund is a grant programme that helps charities
and social enterprises raise investment. This fund is for organisations who
need some extra support to raise investment e.g. governance, financial
modelling or business planning. To access this fund you need to approach a
social investor and then complete a diagnostic tool. If approved then you work
with the social investor to develop a support plan.
The Enterprise Development
Fund programme offers tailored support to
organisations that are thinking of exploring new models of trading to help
them become more financially resilient and who require support to make the
transition. The second round is going to be launched soon, and the themes are
equality and mental health.
Further information about this fund can
be found here:
Business support
Co-operative and Social Enterprise
Development Agency (CASE) is a social enterprise and co-operative established
in 1982 that is the trusted organisation for co-operatives, social enterprises
and community enterprises in Leicester and Leicestershire. We support co-operatives and social
enterprises to develop and grow and we promote co-operative ways of working.
CASE has
been awarded a small grant from the Connect Fund to raise awareness about social
investment, support groups to develop social enterprise business models and
scale up, and access social investment. The project started in January 2019 and
finishes in June 2020.
If you are a social enterprise or charity in the East
Midlands that has a good idea or proposal to generate income from trading then
please feel free to get in touch with Natasha Jolob, Social Impact and
Investment Adviser on Tel: 0116 222 5010, Email:
For any further details please contact:
Catriona Paterson – Development Worker
Erewash Voluntary Action
Granville Avenue
Long Eaton
NG10 4HD
Tel: 0115 9466740