Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Erewash CCG Funding cuts

As you may hear or see in the media we have had formal notification from Derbyshire CCG’s regarding funding cuts.
Derbyshire CCGs face a significant financial challenge. A final decision will take place in September 2018.
We are presently involved in an “Engagement Process”. As part of this, we are required to seek the views of our members, volunteers and clients.
Please can you take the time to fill in this short questionnaire. 
66 amazing responses to our short questionnaire on funding cuts.

Thank you for all your support.

If you would like to give feedback on how this will affect our services and its potential impact of discontinuing funding, please email or to: Patient experience Team, Tollbar House, 1 Derby road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 5FH.
Please let us have any of your comments as well.
PRESS RELEASE – Erewash Voluntary Action – CVS – 9 July 2018
(Un)happy Birthday – NHS 70th Anniversary Marked by Grant Cuts to Local Charities
Local charity Erewash Voluntary Action – Council for Voluntary Service is one of dozens of local charities who received an unwelcome surprise on the 70th Anniversary of the NHS today – a letter from the local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group telling them that it plans to cut all its grant funding.
CCG grants pay for a number of CVS services which help older, disabled and vulnerable people in Erewash keep well, stay independent and have vital social contact.  This includes befriending and shopping, transport to local community groups, monthly tea dance, and the support via small grants given to help local voluntary and community groups in Erewash who provide a range of activities. 
Stella Scott, CEO, said:
“The grant funding we receive from the CCG is half of our income, so this seriously threatens our charity’s services.
“We are only one of a number of organisations receiving this news today and the impact will be disastrous. Those who rely on our services – many of whom describe them as a lifeline, without which life wouldn’t be worth living – will be devastated. So will the volunteers who generously give so much of their time for free and make these services possible.
“We had been told that the CCG was under pressure, but to find out that we are going to lose all our grant is terrible news - especially on a day when we had hoped to be celebrating 70 years of the NHS and the additional investment being made by Government’’.
“It’s also short sighted, when health services are under so much pressure, to slash affordable, community-based, preventative support that does so much to keep people out of hospital. The CCG’s own equality assessment says that their cuts will increase social isolation and loneliness, which is a cause of depression and early death.”
Third Sector Article:

Representatives from Derbyshire CCG Boards met on Friday 17th August to make their final decision on proposals regarding discretionary funding to the voluntary sector.


Some questions were raised by board members about impact on local frontline health services if the voluntary services disappeared. It was therefore proposed and agreed to delay a decision for a month, so that ‘rapid service reviews’ can be carried out and to allow further engagement with county council and those affected. Once this has been done, another meeting in public will be held to present and agree final proposals
This is unexpected, and slightly better news than we expected – in the short term at least. While the eventual outcome might be no different, the delay does mean that the 3 month notice period is also delayed.

We will continue to make the case for funding these essential community services.
Local TV and press were also present – including this report in the Derby Telegraph 

Click here to read the papers for today's Derbyshire CCGs Governing Bodies in Common meeting, which includes the review of Voluntary and Community Sector funding via discretionary grants, infrastructure organisations (VCS) and voluntary Single Point of Access services.
Despite some opposition proposed cuts of £299,114 to voluntary sector services have been approved. Also agreed - to cease funding for vSPA social prescribing service across Derbyshire. At moment still supporting infrastructure