The Commissioner’s
Vulnerability Fund
The 'Vulnerability Fund' has been set up by Derbyshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Hardyal Dhindsa. The focus of the PCC's Vulnerability Fund is on policing and crime, community safety and helping to create safer and stronger communities.
Applications should consider alignment to the Police and Crime Plan priorities and broader community safety objectives in local communities. Consideration may be given to contributing to broader health and social care programmes but only where match funding is already agreed from other partners and there are linked crime and policing-related outcomes which make individuals or communities safer and stronger.
The Commissioner will be looking for projects:
which help individuals to live safely and without fear of crime in their homes.
which empower the local community to tackle problems in their neighbourhood areas.
are organised by (and involving) community/neighbourhood groups.
can demonstrate that they can make a difference to local communities.
that take a new and sustainable approach to tackling long term problems.
that foster good relations between partner agencies and communities and do not work in isolation.
There are two funding strands to the Vulnerability Fund
Micro-grants from £50 to £1,000
Micro-grants can be applied for from Erewash Voluntary Action CVS. For an application form and criteria contact the Development Worker Catriona Paterson by email
Applications can be made up until 1 March 2021
Large grant from £1,000 to £25,000
Larger grants of between £1,000 and £25,000 will be available for communities, charities, voluntary and non-profit organisations to make a real and lasting difference in their areas. This may include projects providing support for vulnerable people coming out of lockdown; services, advice or self-help groups offering emotional and practical support to prevent people from becoming victims or perpetrators of crime and those that help and encourage vulnerable people who have lost their jobs or income during the pandemic to get back into work or training to minimise their risk of becoming involved in crime.
For more information and to download an application form, visit the following website
The application deadline for large grants is 13 November 2020
Important Information concerning the fund
The Vulnerability fund:
is Derbyshire-wide including Derby City
can be used for meeting capital or revenue costs
is available to the voluntary and community sectors, charities and non-profit making associations on behalf of the individuals and communities they work with.
Are you eligible?
Your group/organisation must have a set of rules, memorandum of understanding or Constitution (governing document)
Your group/organisation must have an active management team/board of Trustees of at least three people who are unrelated
Your group/organisation must have a bank account in the name of the group with at least two unrelated signatories.